


  7月3日 7月4日 7月5日 7月6日
地面最低温度 11°C 13°C 13°C 12°C
晴间多云  多云  阴间多云 , 有雨 阴 , 小雨
连续更新: 7月3日 北京时间 11:02
Note: Temperature forecast is minimum temperature at ground/road surface - NOT air temperature.

Key to WeatherOnline's road forecast symbols showing the effects of the weather forecast on road conditions.
symbol: dry roads dry roads symbol: damp roads damp roads
symbol: wet roads wet roads symbol: 潮湿路滑 潮湿路滑
symbol: hard-packed snow hard-packed snow symbol: 冻雨/moisture 冻雨/moisture
symbol: hoar frost hoar frost symbol: black ice black ice
symbol: 雾    
附近气象站 - 哈利法克斯 Distance
Shearwater Airport 7.5 km
哈利法克斯机场 13.1 km
Debert 39.7 km
Upper Stewiacke Rcs 64.0 km
Nappan 91.7 km
萨默赛德 92.3 km
Parrsboro 94.5 km
夏洛特顿 機場 94.7 km
Harrington Cda 95.4 km
Kentville 104.0 km
Caribou Point (AUT) 113.2 km
Western Head 126.7 km
North Point 126.8 km
Beaven Island 137.6 km
蒙克顿 機場 143.3 km
St. Peters 143.6 km
Greenwood 151.1 km
Grand-Bouctouche 159.2 km
Fundy Park Cs 160.7 km
Kejimkujik 1 182.2 km
Mechanic Settlement 184.9 km
Kouchibouguac Cs 190.2 km
米斯庫島 194.2 km
East Point 200.3 km
Cap D'Espoir 202.2 km
Bas Caraquet 207.7 km
Tracadie 217.0 km
Baccaro 219.2 km
Michel-Pouliot Gaspé Airport 225.1 km
Miramichi AP 237.9 km
Miramichi 239.6 km
Magdalen Islands Airport 243.7 km
Magdalen Islands 245.2 km
Port Hawkesbury Airport 250.2 km
New Carlisle 252.6 km
圣约翰 機場 259.9 km
Red Pines 262.4 km
Beresford Airport 280.4 km
Bathurst Arpt(Awrs) 281.5 km
Yarmouth Airport 283.4 km
Yarmouth Airport 283.4 km
Doaktown 287.0 km
Hart Island (AUT) 289.8 km
Brier Island 308.5 km
Point Lepreau 321.6 km
Gagetown Awos A 323.9 km
Eskasoni 3 331.7 km
Fredericton International Airport 335.1 km
North Mountain 341.9 km
弗雷德里克頓 343.8 km
Charlo Airport 345.9 km
Grand Manan Sar CS 359.9 km
Ingonish Beach CS 367.9 km
Sable Island机场 397.0 km
悉尼 機場 399.5 km
Sydney Rcs 399.5 km
圣保罗岛 405.5 km
St.Stephen 410.9 km
Woodstock 448.0 km
Amqui 464.9 km
Houlton International Airport 475.1 km
Wreckhouse 502.0 km

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