

What are the sources for WeatherOnline forecasts?

The WeatherOnline forecasts are created by using a MOS system developed in-house with the most current US weather services model data (GFS). The statistical methods of the Model-Output-Statistic (MOS)-System were developed in cooperation with the Meteorological Department of the University of Bonn.

What is a MOS-System?

A Model-Output-Statistic (MOS)-System combines the data of the weather forecast model and the locally recorded data for any given point by transforming the model data from a coarse grid to detailed small scale areas.
In order to do so, one needs a large volume of past model forecast data as well as the corresponding recorded data for any given location. The MOS-System relates these two sets of data in an optimized fashion allowing development of the local weather forecast by using the most current model forecast.

What are the time intervals used in the temperature and icons of the local forecasts?

The forecasted maximum temperature always refers to a 12hour window from 6am to 6om local time.
The forecasted minimum temperature always refers to the 12hour window from 6pm of the day before the forecast day to 6 am of the forecast day.
The weather icon for the morning refers to the time between 6am and 12pm local time, the icon for the afternoon is valid from 12am to 6pm local time and the evening icon refers to the time from 6pm to 12am local time.

How often are the current weather conditions and forecasts updated?

The current weather information as well as the satellite images are updated every 30 minutes whereas the radar images are being updated every 15 minutes.
The local weather forecasts as well as the weather charts are updated 8 times a day. The updates start at 2 am CEST or 3 am CEST depending on daylight saving time and continue on a three hourly bases.

附近气象站 - Weslaco Distance
South Texas International Airport at Edinburg 18.6 km
法爾菲里厄斯 機場 23.6 km
Naval Air Station Kingsville Airport 26.9 km
Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Orange Grove 28.1 km
General Lucio Blanco International Airport 29.3 km
McAllen Miller International Airport 30.3 km
Alice International Airport 31.8 km
Valley International Airport 35.3 km
比維爾 機場 38.7 km
Soto la Marina 45.7 km
Matamoros 国际机场 48.6 km
新布朗費爾斯 機場 55.6 km
Corpus Christi International Airport 57.2 km
San Marcos Regional Airport 58.1 km
Brownsville/South Padre 61.3 km
Tampico Airport 62.1 km
兰多夫空军基地 63.6 km
Lago Vista Airport 66.8 km
奥斯汀-伯格斯特国际机场 69.4 km
Port Isabel Airport 70.5 km
史汀森 75.1 km
冈萨雷斯 機場 75.2 km
Georgetown Municipal Airport 75.3 km
Pleasanton Airport 75.8 km
圣安东尼奥国际机场 77.2 km
Burnet Municipal Airport 77.5 km
Austin Executive Airport 77.9 km
Naval Air Station Corpus Christi 79.3 km
拉克兰空军基地 85.8 km
希布倫維爾 機場 87.8 km
Boerne Stage Field 99.3 km
Port Aransas Airport 100.6 km
Aransas 105.8 km
Llano Municipal Airport 107.2 km
Castroville Airport 111.0 km
Victoria Regional Airport 123.1 km
弗雷德里克斯堡 124.2 km
吉丁斯 機場 124.3 km
拉格蘭奇 125.3 km
卡梅倫 機場 130.0 km
維多利亞城 135.9 km
Kerrville Municipal Airport 139.3 km
薩帕塔 機場 143.4 km
South Texas Regional Airport at Hondo 143.7 km
Cotulla 144.2 km
卡尔霍恩 147.3 km
考德威爾 機場 153.4 km
Hearne Municipal Airport 163.7 km
Laredo International Airport 168.6 km
Robert R Wells Jr 168.6 km
Nuevo Laredo International Airport 179.8 km
布倫納姆 186.7 km
Easterwood Airport 188.6 km
Eagle Lake Airport 189.1 km
Coulter Field Airport 192.5 km
Palacios Municipal Airport 194.3 km
Garner Field 204.5 km
Wharton Regional Airport 206.0 km
Carrizo Hill Airport 210.6 km
章克申 機場 213.6 km
Houston Executive Airport 235.3 km
Bay City Municipal Airport 237.1 km
Monterrey/Gen Maria Airport 252.4 km
Del Norte Intl 252.8 km
羅克斯普林斯 機場 254.4 km
蒙特雷城 259.9 km
Sugar Land Regional Airport 261.8 km
Huntsville Regional Airport 271.5 km
David Wayne Hooks Memorial Airport 273.7 km
Houston Southwest Airport 280.5 km
Texas Gulf Coast Regional Airport 280.8 km
Maverick County Memorial IAP 287.5 km
康羅 機場 289.1 km
Piedras Negras 289.2 km
休斯敦机场 295.2 km
威廉·佩特斯·霍比机场 302.0 km
Pearland Regional Airport 307.1 km
索諾拉 機場 308.8 km
Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base 314.6 km
Laughlin Air Force Base 318.8 km
Cleveland Airport 333.3 km
Del Rio International Airport 333.4 km
萨尔蒂约 機場 339.8 km
聖路易斯波托西州 機場 343.5 km
Scholes International Airport at Galveston 354.5 km
奧佐納 機場 369.8 km
蒙克洛瓦 386.1 km
Beaumont Municipal Airport 419.9 km
賈斯珀 機場 440.8 km
Jack Brooks Regional Airport 441.7 km
Orange County Airport 465.3 km
德昆西 機場 502.1 km
Southland Field 512.6 km
Beauregard Regional Airport 517.2 km
莱克查尔斯 機場 530.2 km
Chennault International Airport 537.6 km

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